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huh? What do you have against $OD6H? Isn't he so often in some reports? I'm in it 90% of the time! I don't trust any other manager, so I don't trust $IQSA or $AVWS.

Okay, that's nonsense of course.
However, I don't quite understand what the $AVWS is all about.
I have read that it is based on the msci world small cap value, but I don't think it works according to fixed rules. In the Key Investor Information I read that they reserve the right to move money into cash equivalents in good market phases. That sounds very active to me.

If it did this on a rule-based basis, it would be as close to an index as possible. Then the only question would be why I don't use an ETF that does the same thing.
There are cheap ETFs as alternatives, which have also been around for longer and have a volume where I don't have to worry so much about them being closed again.
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@SchlaubiSchlumpf this clause that up to 49% can be in cash is standard, in the GPO you read the same.
But as I understand it, this has nothing to do with the investment strategy. It's more of a legal safeguard 😉
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@PowerWordChill hmm that's interesting to know.
As I said, I see little incentive to switch to this fund. However, I don't see any problems with the structure at least, as long as it invests according to sensible rules. Which was the original question. It's usually not that easy to find information on what the rules actually are. But you can find a lot about the USA small cap, for example.

It's funny, by the way, that $AVWS is aiming for the same US weighting within the industrialized countries small caps as my portfolio. Avantis has taste