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Is Stollen also a pastry? I like Stollen. To your idea. Yes, that's what more or less interest groups are trying to do. The Nabu or Greenpeace have been working for a few years with Union Investment and I mean also with DWS in an advisory capacity and take a differentiated look at the climate targets and other ecological aspects. However, the cooperation is rather currently crumbling, as I understand it... Nevertheless, the topic seems to be rather a marginal issue (despite all regrets and topicality), because especially in the field of investments the mindset described by you prevails. I do not know the exact statistics, but I can imagine that despite statements to the contrary by banks or politicians, people are not exclusively interested in green investments, but are still driven by the choice between yield or green investment and are above all yield-driven. Green investments are defacto often yield troublesome and even more risky. There such a well-rehearsed oil company or tobacco company with 5-8% dividend yield falls much easier... The change lies in the trade. And that in trading (in everyday life) as well as in trading (financing or buying companies with green goals or just buying companies to change the business policy).
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@InvestmentPapa Interesting, I didn't know about the DWS. With the influence on consumer behavior, of course, you're right. Let's see what the future brings, I just hope that the bureaucracy works for the people and not against the people. We humans like to procrastinate, but climate change is for me the ultimate thing that can provide international cohesion, if finally taken seriously. I'm not a role model myself in terms of the environment, but every now and then you think how perverse it really is what you do with the world. My cloud and semiconductor buildings also consume huge amounts of water and energy 🥴