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A very good article has already been written on the subject of losses. I currently also have three shares that have suffered a bit with -20%. But since I continue to believe that $MMM gets the problems under control. I remain in it. With $MPW is already more difficult, should the accusations prove true. The thing is probably worthless. Well, no risk no fun. How are your ideas of your "problem" shares?
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@Salamistar Thanks for the tip, but unfortunately I have not found a post where this was discussed in detail. $NET I am still convinced, both sales and the development of profitability fit, the question I ask myself more generally is whether you can achieve such applications again, now that the market is acting more rationally again. $PYPL $APPS have both also got on the lid, although the latter is probably a better investment. PayPal can and will continue to keep strong competition in the payment sector. $SQ I have immediately repelled after the report of Hindenburg, with the mention of fake accounts came directly memories of Wirecard up 😂
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@WallStreetMan The rising interest rates and the crisis in the banking sector have of course hit some stocks pretty hard. Of course, people are trading a bit more rationally and with less fantasy. That's my assessment at least. I am also convinced that the increased interest rates will still have their full effect. Whereby, of course, the duration until renewed interest rate cuts will play a role. Well, I wish you good luck in any case, no matter how you decide.
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@DividendenWaschbaer exactly that was meant. Thank you!