
I came up with a crazy idea and I wanted to share my work with you. I decided to organize my watchlist according to different criteria. The best stock gets 10 points and the worst gets 1 point. It is important to mention that this is a snapshot and can change at any time.

The criteria were:

- Market value (the higher the better as with the s&p)

- 52W low difference

- 52W high difference (at least 15 percent 52 w of high)

- Wallstreet rating ( strong buy )

- Price Target Difference

- Z score

- Sales forecast for the next 5 years

- EPS forecast for the next 5 years

- Forward PE ( the lower the better )

- ROIC ( the higher the better)

- Gross profit margin ( the higher the better)

- Net margin ( the higher the better)

-FCF margin ( the higher the better)

- Profit per employee ( the higher the better)

- PEG Ratio ( the lower the better)

- Beta (the lower the better)

- FCF Yield (the higher the better)

- Earning Yield ( the higher the better)

- Current ratio ( the higher the better)

-Short ratio ( the lower the better)

- Quick ratio ( the higher the better)

- Debit / EBITDA (the lower the better)

Place 1- $LRCX

2nd place $SNPS (-0,05%)

3rd place 3- $NOVO B (-2,81%)

Place 4- $MCHP (-2,24%)

5th place $REGN (+1,68%)

Place 6- $MCK (+0,37%)

ATTENTION: many industries cannot be compared directly, which is why, for example, gastronomy providers perform relatively poorly in such a test or the transportation sector such as ODFL. Here you can only compare shares from the same sector.

I would be very interested to know what you think of my approach? What can be done better here to achieve even more accurate results? Which criteria would you use and which not?

I am very curious about your feedback.

Thank you very much in advance 😘

56 Comentários

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Now I know why I only invest in ETFs (and crypto) 😅.

@Simpson How often do you do that with your shares?
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@DonkeyInvestor 3 times today 😁
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@DonkeyInvestor Yes, and most people wave off GTAA when they hear that I have to spend 10 minutes a month on it. 🤷
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@DonkeyInvestor See! Another one.
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@DonkeyInvestor he needs a whole roll of toilet paper to do it
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But ETF does not mean buying the whole sack with all the rotten potatoes.
And here you do the work and only pick the good potatoes out of the sack.
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@Tenbagger2024 Yes. But there are two things you should know about me:
1) I'm not a studied farmer and don't have the knowledge to tell the rotten potatoes from the good ones
2) The time I would have to spend analyzing potatoes to find only the good ones, I can't invest in my job, my family and my friends. With all three alternatives, the time invested is more valuable.

And even if I have found the good potatoes, it can happen that I conjure up a great potato casserole, but everyone else just doesn't like potatoes
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My dear Satoshi,
You have written all this very nicely.
And it is very difficult as an investor to beat the World or an S&P ETF.
And that's why you're doing everything right.
Maybe it's a bit of friction between ETF investors and individual shareholders.
Between dividend and growth shareholders.

It is precisely these little frictions that we like so much and that enrich communication in the community.
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@Tenbagger2024 but if you write in such a friendly and understanding way, there will be no friction
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As soon as I write a negative message about TESLA, it starts.
No matter how friendly the message is written.
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Excel would have been so much easier :)
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Basically a great thing! But are you really doing it on paper?
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@DusselDuck yes I do not own a computer
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I also do a lot on paper.
I think you can internalize everything much better on paper.
Even if it often looks wild.
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Synopsis and Novo Norddisk have also recently made it from the WL into my portfolio
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Synopsis had also corrected well.
Good time for a purchase.
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First of all, a great thing and, as you rightly mention, not all sectors can be compared with each other. An evaluation at sector level might therefore be more useful. But great respect for your work!

One point of criticism! Link your top 6 in the middle. The abbreviations are not my thing. I can guess which value is where, but I don't really know. Which value is number 4?! $MCHP. Quickly helped myself. I wouldn't have thought of it!
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@GordonGekko83 I will do that now. Thanks for the tip ☺️
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Reminds me of my factors table. I would always run the results in the sample portfolio so that you can also see how these values develop over time.
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@Koenigmidas and then, when you retire, finally turn the model portfolio into reality
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@Koenigmidas good idea 👍
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@DonkeyInvestor I create the sample depots at informunity. Generate credits there and exchange them for Amazon vouchers 😉
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@Koenigmidas That's a great tip, let's see if it works for me too 😸
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@Koenigmidas What is this dubious stuff again?
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Have you done a backtest with your criteria? Are they any good at all? And are they all equally weighted or are some even superfluous?
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@Epi I have tried to do it, I just don't have the data. I used finviz and you can't get the exact data for older periods there. All criteria are equally weighted.
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@Aminmeskini Without a backtest, how do you know whether your criteria are actually any good? Maybe only 2-3 are really decisive for excess returns and the rest is noise?
I mean, you're doing a lot of work, but ultimately sailing blindly through the market. 🤷
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@Epi where can you do a backtest?
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@Aminmeskini With all the key figures? I have no idea.
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@Epi That is precisely the problem. It is almost impossible to obtain all these key figures for an older point in time.
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@Aminmeskini And this is precisely what I personally would see as the fundamental problem with the whole approach: without data, it remains a blind flight.
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@Epi is just my method. I am neither Warrant Buffett nor Charlie Manger. I also have no team, no AI, nothing. I am a beginner who has to find my way in this jungle.
I've shared my work here to get suggestions for improvement, of course. Time will tell whether this really works. How do you search for shares. You only have 3 positions. We would love to learn from you 💗
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@Aminmeskini I'm not saying anything against your method. How could I? There are no criteria. And of course, you won't know if it works until the future. But you don't even know for the past.

I've already written a lot about my strategy, just take a look at my profile.
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I think your approach is well suited to achieving above-average results. You try to evaluate stocks from a large data field based on quality criteria. The stock finder would certainly have done a lot of the work for you 😅
Since Synopsys and Novo are at the top, you can almost save yourself a backtest.
I see many of my stocks in the list, glad to see it! 🚀
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Very nice approach.
Personally, it is always important to me that the EbiT margin can be increased.
An increase in free cash flow is also desirable.
For me, profit and sales growth have already become mandatory.
Even if many say that the stock market is a thing where only the future counts. Nevertheless, I also look at the past, because a company that has been able to consistently increase sales in the past has what it takes to continue to do so
This is where you have usually built up a certain BURGGRABEN.

Otherwise, Traderfox has a similar approach.
They also award up to 15 points in the quality and growth check.

I think you're great 😘
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@Tenbagger2024 I forgot to mention that all the stocks on this list had more than 5 percent growth in revenue and earnings per/y the last 5 years
I think you're even more awesome 💓
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Thank you for the flowers.
Unfortunately, it is very difficult to find these quality companies at a fair valuation.
And here you can often only use a bad market phase to get in.
You don't seem to be a value investor?
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@Tenbagger2024 I'm not really going to categorize myself. I want to be a bit of everything. Own as few shares as possible and from all sectors. My latest project is $NOVO B I hope I can continue to build up my position as prices fall.
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Strange hints. I would never buy some of the top 5 stocks. $NOVO B and $MSK are worth buying in 2-3 weeks (monthly close) wait and see
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How do you know that the pinch will fall at the end of the month?
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Wow! Why digital when analog works too 👍
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No offense meant, but entering all stocks in a random generator on Google and investing in the first 10 would have a result with the same promise of success.
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@leveragegrinding I know and you know that it's not true, otherwise everyone would do it and be successful. Besides, these are not just any stocks but stocks from my watchlist that have to fulfill a lot of quality criteria. If you claim that Google can do it better, then let's have a duel. You bring a list and I'll bring a list and we'll see who performs better
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@Aminmeskini ok worth
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I will create a sample portfolio and see what kind of performance it can achieve 😉
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Good idea
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$REGN do you think this stock is currently worth buying?
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