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TR Call money: You lose more money waiting for the crash than in the crash itself. Nest egg: Should be built up immediately and as soon as possible. Once it is full, nothing is set aside for emergencies. To reserve a monthly sum for the nest egg I think is not purposeful$XAIX To special rest you can do so.
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@DonkeyInvestor I would like to save a nest egg of about 10k and then leave it there in case something happens. After that it will not be saved any more. Do you mean instead of transferring the 200€ every month to TR, rather direct savings plans on selected shares? And should $XAIX not be saved at all? Or is there another solution for this? Or just then again take selected shares?
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@DonkeyInvestor I always find the nest egg absolutism a bit difficult, I have also built up ours over 2 years and meanwhile already invested. Always depends heavily on the protection. We have so many social and family networks among us that a nest egg would actually not be necessary, or at least only slightly. In such a situation I must mMn not stop everything for 2-3 months completely until the target amount is reached ...
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@Finanzios then I would put everything into the nest egg now and fill it up as quickly as possible. When the emergency comes next month, a few euros in the nest egg are of no use to you. Yes, I would rather put the 200€ directly into your World ETF. Unless you are good at market timing and invest a lot of time accordingly. The "solution" for such special investments are single stocks. Have a look at #gqevergreens. There is a contribution to sector ETF
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@CMustermann then your nest egg might be too high
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@DonkeyInvestor I'll let me go through my head again! Thank you!