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What is a capital reduction?
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@impuff The par value or nominal value per share is reduced.
@Dividendenopi hmmm ... so it's like a stock split, except that shareholders don't receive any additional shares?
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@Atacama But if they lower the share price, as they did with the share price cap, we have to get more shares, otherwise you make a loss and I don't believe that.
@-Nobody- Yes, I think - but I don't know - that this is precisely the reason why the price has just fallen.
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@Atacama No split, the number of shares remains the same. The nominal value of the shares will be reduced to NOK 1 and the released capital will be placed in a separate investment account from which dividends will be paid in the future. As stated in the report to the Annual General Meeting
@Dividendenopi okay, thank you 👍
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@Dividendenopi that's how i had read it out i only didn't pass with the 14 to 1 NOK 🤔 but then i'll wait and see hab