If you're an employee and you see potential, is that inside info at the management level or just speculative statements?
@Hannes_SK I would say neither. I'm not allowed to pass on insider information, of course, but we receive a lot of information directly that is not a secret. Speculatively, I consider our CEO to be extremely capable and he has so far gold-plated everything that has been included in the Group in the long term. But let's get to the facts. When it comes to 5G, United has access to all the technology it needs. Thanks to the Versatel purchases, we have a huge fiber-optic network, especially in metropolitan areas. The servers for the OpenRAN are powered by the know-how of IONOS, which has the cloud knowledge of Arsys. The telephone backend was already built (and successfully) by ourselves on the basis of open source for the DSL and is therefore cost-effective to operate. I do feel that the disadvantage is that we have less spectrum, but I see the cost advantage clearly with us.