
I'd like to hear your opinion on my portfolio, I'm very focused on dividends as I want to live off them later. My parents gave me more investment funds before, but I have already switched to dividend ETFs and $MAIN (-1,86%) switched. On $XGSD (-0,65%) I save 250 euros a month and 250 euros on $WCSS (-0,12%) and 100 euros on $V3PL (-0,91%) .

€ 72.307,77
7 Comentários

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I'm not a fan of Swap etfs, so I would prefer $ISPA over $XGSD, but I guess you are going for the higher div yield. For the rest nice portfolio, keep it up
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The Asia Pacific ETF is still relatively small. If it does not grow significantly in the future, it may be closed again by the issuer. I might look for a similar ETF with larger AUM.
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@KevinC Thanks for the tip
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She's pretty young out to have such a big focus on dividends now. and these dividend ETFs are tearing down your performance 👇
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@TechNav I want to stop working as soon as possible and I am currently reinvesting the dividends automatically.
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@Zmirnof pretty sporty. At 17/18 you're only at the very beginning of your professional life and then you're already talking about quitting?
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