
Good evening everyone,

I am currently considering making a one-off investment in the $CL2 (-3,18%) as a one-off investment. In your opinion, does this make sense, or should I only invest in a leveraged ETF via a savings plan or in market downturns?

What is your opinion on this or do you have this ETF in your portfolio?

Have a nice evening 🌆

14 Comentários

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But you are already aware that the loss on a leveraged ETF is significantly greater when prices fall.
And that the market is currently very volatile.
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@Tenbagger2024 Yes, but the market always goes up in the long term, which is why we all invest, right?
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So you can beat the overall market with a leveraged ETF?
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@Tenbagger2024 Over the last 20 years, the ETF has returned an average of 45% per year and a total of 4750%. Is that better than the overall market? 🧐
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@Max095 Nevertheless, please read through the advantages and disadvantages of a leveraged ETF beforehand. In sideways phases, you will lose money over time.

Please understand beforehand why the ETF says "Daily".
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@KevinE What do you think is the disadvantage of this ETF?
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@Max095 look at google "finanzküche leveraged ETF" that actually describes it quite well.
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@KevinE I read the report and couldn't find any disadvantages for me.
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@Max095 then it fits! :)
I am also in there with 5k, but trade according to the SMA 200 strategy to reduce the max draw down
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@Piet24 Okay. Do you think Buy&Hold makes no sense?
@Max095 Google ZahlGraf's Excellent Adventures, he has done very intensive baking tests
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@Piet24 Is your source 'Leverage for the Long Run' ?
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Shiller PE and Warren Buffet indicator both show a strongly overvalued market, I am also a fan of leveraged ETFs, if at all I would make a savings plan first
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