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I have now read through to the finale. In part, I really had to read whole paragraphs twice or three times to understand what he means... on the whole, this kind of analysis reminds me of my contribution to Coloplast. For me, too, it is not always the pure presentation of key figures that matters at first. The journey is the destination in such analyses. How do I get, you mentioned it correctly, to my investment case. Technically, many things may have been correct here, but I thought to myself in between... "ok, he didn't write everything himself or didn't read it again, maybe copy&paste, because of duplication or any connections to statements that didn't occur before or were taken out of context. I also caught myself twice googling for text passages or searching in English, because I was speculating on a translation... Otherwise the brother has delivered, at least as far as TL;DR is concerned, he has successfully acquired the annual membership. At the end remains nevertheless somehow: For a Professional analyst appears to me too much "blabla" (with me this is not bad, because I am no professional and express only my opinion) and too little "à point". Also this Discord babble annoyed me in between. Was kind of like listening to someone talking to themselves... 😅 As for the company, no investment. Hope that's enough for you as an opinion. But thanks for linking. As written... also like to read through others opinions and kvetching besides my philosophy. 🙃
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@InvestmentPapa that's how I feel too I found the discord talk unprofessional, the company tempting despite the few interesting opinions0. Too ambiguous.