I have never understood synthetic ETF. Where is the value creation generated here ?
@KleinviehmachtMist I have not fully understood synthetic Etfs. I know that the positions are replicated by means of swap but how exactly that works I do not know. Have the ETF only because I took him and did not want to trade to exchange him. That's where my uncertainty comes from. I also my only synthetic ETF, but with over 1 billion in volume, he seems to be not so bad.
@Snopy I stick exclusively to physical ETFs.
@KleinviehmachtMist yes am he I eig also. All other Etfs of me are physical :) have also just checked yesterday that this is synthetic 😂
@KleinviehmachtMist I assume that they save costs that they may pass on to customers.
@NiMe yes, but there is another risk behind it. I just looked it up again, I was again left behind with SWAP contracts.