
Have today seen a video where someone said that you should start to short Visa because more and more tech companies and others are starting with payment methods and the classic will no longer hold long!

I personally think it's too early for the classic bezahmethoden crash what is your opinion?

3 Comentários

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So I must admit that I use Visa more and more, whether through Apple pay or now also the cards where I was practically forced by my banks (ING & DKB) 😂 for current cards want to see the money, so I used the free Visa ☺️👍
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@Simpson I do the same👍🚀

For this reason alone, VISA will remain important for quite some time, especially in Europe.
Especially if the classic current accounts all rely on VISA.
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Well, even if there are new and innovative products, you first have to convince the billions of customers to switch. I see it as with the funds that are offered by banks. There are far better and cheaper products and the people still do not change out of laziness. Man is and remains a creature of habit 🤷‍♂️
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