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And I, the hero of the strawberry field, was still thinking yesterday afternoon about whether I should put Porsche in my portfolio, if I had done it 🤦🏼‍♂️😂
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@RoronoaZoro would have had bicycle chain ....
but also uffffff 😐
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@Derebete Yes, I'd rather order a pizza, I'm a brainiac 🤦🏼‍♂️
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@RoronoaZoro 😂 well, at least the physical hunger was satisfied afterwards, but the hunger for returns was awakened...
but, to stay with Porsche for a moment: the current jump in the share price is only due to the announcement that they want to talk about the spin-off... I wonder what will happen as soon as this becomes even remotely concrete 😅
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@Derebete Okay, if you want me to, I'll ask:
What's going on as soon as this starts to get concrete? 🤔
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@RoronoaZoro Moon landing 👨‍🚀