
Small additional purchases in the course of diversification

Yesterday I said goodbye to the $TDIV (-0,74%) and part of the sale went into my position. $BTC (-3,36%) position. This now accounts for a weighting of a good 10%.

I see crypto as a sensible addition to any portfolio. I have also recently built up a position in gold via $WGLD (-0,3%) built up a position in gold. Both are held for the long term and are not traded speculatively.

How high is the weighting of Bitcoin in your portfolio?

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Comprado x0,0244 em € 102.665,98
€ 2.499,92
22 Comentários

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@-Juergen- My personal target weighting is also 20%☺️
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From my point of view, we did everything right, even if the price is currently high😅
The weighting of BTC is currently 1/3.
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@UnknowU Yes, better late than never. But there are always ATHs. Regardless of whether it's my $VUAG or $BTC 😇
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@UnknowU That's exactly how I see it, my share is also just under 1/3
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@Aktienmasseur It is always interesting that hardly anyone looks at the price of an ETF. The majority of investors buy by standing order according to DCA, but with BTC they always look at how high the price is.
I totally agree with you recht🙏🏼
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I also don't mind if the $BTC rises so much in the next few years that it goes up to 80% on its own 😜😂
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My share has recently shrunk to around 80%.
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@Ph1l1pp is enough ;)
I come from just under 95%.
Slowly harvesting and moving / parking.
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@Artiskon absolutely right!
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10% constructive
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75% BTC ca. The liq. portfolio is 100% crypto
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Why would you want an ETF like TDIV for this? More in BTC is understandable, but to build a base for it?
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@Maveric2005 I still have the S&p500 and FTSE in my portfolio 👍🏼
Any particular reason you sold the TDIV position?
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@di_marcello Want to reduce my dividends and focus more on growth
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Why did you sell the $TDIV?
It's a great ETF
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@WolfofNersingen Too little growth, too many dividends. Not in line with my strategy. ETF also remains cool.
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