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How can something be scam when @Barsten is CEO and I am COO? ... Oh ... Now I see what you mean. Let's get out of there 🏃
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@DonkeyInvestor well, maybe you are scam 🏃
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@TheAccountant89 that is exactly what I have now realized
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@TheAccountant89 I am absolutely with you regarding this investment and have therefore also pointed out stop loss etc. several times in the meantime; therefore a thank you to you that you also pick up on this. Personally, I will get out shortly and take profits before the price turns in the opposite direction again.
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@DonkeyInvestor Helmut did it, he abused you 🙈 Is it you @DiFigiANo?
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@Barsten let me know when you put your block of shares on the market, I'll shorten beforehand 😁