$BTI (+1,49%) has its earnings report in two days. Here are a few things I expect and would like to see.
First of all, the wishes
- The sharebuyback program remains suspended for the time being. I want to see the debt reduced.
- none combustible growth, especially in Europe
What I am assuming
- I think the figures will be as sobering as Altria's, but there won't be a big price increase compared to Altria
- Market position will be much better than Altria
- Confirmation of a growing nicotine market
- Vuse continues to build its market position better than expected
- Declining sales volume of cigarettes, less than Altria
- Rokord sales of none combustible products
For the time being, the share price of $BTI (+1,49%) neither up nor down, due to the enormous lack of interest in big tobacco. I expect to see the first real price movements towards Q3. I can well imagine that disposable vapes will be banned by the end of the year, at least in the USA.