I also had a look at the company. The bizarre Swedish accounting then kept me from buying. Viceroy has written something interesting (even if partly wrong): https://twitter.com/viceroyresearch/status/1548992031191703553?s=21&t=iFqsUOpwxbNF-8T6J6t9aQ And this thread on the earnings call was also interesting. https://twitter.com/gabe_bernarde/status/1539734401168592896?s=21&t=iFqsUOpwxbNF-8T6J6t9aQ Since I have no special know how in real estate shares, I prefer to stay with $O and $WPC, which I also understand.
@ClermitInvest Thanks for your links. I'll definitely take a look at the articles!
•@DollarDon https://twitter.com/mf_holdings/status/1549795232388206595?s=21&t=_T5gjh0ZJoLIfHk_U0otIw also interesting, deputy CEO sells 41% of his shares because of an alleged margin call that he cannot cover.