Hi dear community,
After some thought, I have decided to sell my German shares. I had already decided for some time that I wanted to get rid of Bayer. But now there are also $MBG (+2,98%) and $PAH3 (+2,06%) have been added. I've had these up to now to diversify because of my large US holding. However, the current times make me doubt whether the EU and especially Germany are still competitive at all. I myself am a professional soldier and am glad that Trump won. You can think what you like about him, but his "America First" principle means that the EU will finally have to think about 1. the military and 2. the economy. I am of the opinion that an alliance like the EU should not become so dependent on America. I may now turn my attention to China and turn away from European companies for the time being.
Let me know if you share my opinion or not :)
Best regards