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Thanks for this post 👍 This is an area I haven't looked at much. Thanks to the suggestions here, I will soften my dividend strategy a little and use the free cash from the call money to buy sectors in a second portfolio that I have completely neglected so far
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@Dividendenopi gladly, sounds good !👌☺️
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@BamBamInvest A little attention to potential growth can also do no harm in old age 🙃😇
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@Dividendenopi I don't know your age, but I wish you a long and healthy life! And maybe your surviving relatives will also benefit from it 🤭.
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@BamBamInvest thank you, I am 60 and slightly overweight, smoke, like to drink my wine and unfortunately have no one who can inherit me regularly except a few cousins 🤷‍♂️😂 Otherwise I eat healthily
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@Dividendenopi In a word, you are doing well ☺️. That also explains your largest positions in individual shares. I stopped smoking 10 years ago, but not drinking for pleasure 😂 . May I ask why there are no alcohol companies like $DGE, $RI or $BF.A in your portfolio? Dividend too low ? I have $RI and $DGE in my portfolio 😊
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@BamBamInvest Your question can be answered with: I haven't gotten that far yet. There are so many sectors to examine, and I've only really had a lot of time since the beginning of July. But it's good for me to get lots of suggestions here, because I have to "restructure" a large cash position over the next 12 months. So far, it's been about preserving value with cash flow at the monthly salary level. And as I have shied away from the "risk" and haven't had the time to consider the whole range, a lot is in call money and fixed-term deposits. That was enough for me. When asked why no ETF.... I can only say I don't know myself, I probably need to take my cash flow glasses off a bit. It's happening slowly and I will expand and adapt my strategy over the next 12 months. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you and a few others here who provide a lot of food for thought with their fundamental contributions and broaden my horizons tremendously ❤️👍
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@Dividendenopi you're doing everything right, take your time and read up on things first, the rest will come naturally. You need to feel comfortable with your investments! ✌️