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Unfortunately not represented at Trade Republic, otherwise it would have long been in depot :(
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@SharkAce Scalable my friend
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@SharkAce that's why i have comdirect 💛
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@MMisch I find it unnecessary to pay €1 per savings plan every time
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@YouthFinancials unfortunately only have TR...
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@SharkAce ok, I have Prime and that includes everything you can do as a savings plan. Maybe it will be listed on TR at some point, I'll keep my fingers crossed!
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@YouthFinancials I'm about to cancel my contract with them, and the confusion about the new fees and cards has given me the rest. Is there any way to avoid paying the execution fees? I always found them kind of annoying, but the overview and share values are quite good. And they also take forever to transfer custody accounts, which worked better and faster with DKB
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@MMisch thanks 🙏🏽 Fands somehow stupid to pay 3€ per month instead of just switching to TR and paying nothing 😅 now you have it 😂 but yes vlt will come sometime 🤝
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@SharkAce I can fully understand that! Are you otherwise satisfied with TR? Now that I'm closing my two other accounts, I'm looking around for a second account alongside SC.
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@MMisch am most satisfied with them so far. Still far from perfect but yay :D