9 Comentários

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World 70-90%
EM 10-30%
Europe unnecessary, as already represented in the World.

Personally, I would even go for 100% World.
Many companies generate their sales worldwide. I therefore consider weighting by region to be outdated.
But that's just my opinion.
Objectively speaking, the emerging markets should certainly not be neglected.
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I do 80/20 Developed/Emerging as a middle ground between market cap and GDP weighting. Of the Developed only 70% in MSCI World and 10% in the Europe 600 I also find a good approach.
However, I wonder how you decided on these 3 ETFs. Aren't there any ETFs for all 3 indices that perform better after taking TER and TD into account?
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You can diversify here depending on your preference.

I would regard a 50-30-20 portfolio as a solid basis.
50 World, 30 Europe, 20 EM IMI
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I think that's good. However, you don't have any smaller companies (smallcaps) in it. I would therefore take an EM IMI ETF instead of the emerging markets ETF, and replace the Europe ETF with a Europe smallcap ETF

For example: $XXSC
Or even better: $ZPRX (Since value stocks generally perform better over the longer term (especially with small caps).
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