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What makes you think you have to convince someone of the stock market and then come up with 4 "special ETFs" like US Small Cap, active EFT with 0.5% TER, World Momentum Factor bli bla bla blubb? And all this in perfectly planned percentages. Irrespective of the fact that these can certainly be good investments, I personally find this disconcerting.

It seems more like you can finally live out your gambling instinct/optimization mania with your wife's money. ...sorry...
If someone is starting out and needs to get a feel and experience for the stock market, an All-World or MSCI World would be a much better choice. In the worst case scenario, a person should be able to manage their own portfolio on their own. Let something be with you. What do you think is better for a beginner to manage... an ETF on the All-World with a savings rate or 4 ETFs with buzzwords like Factor and Momentum?
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@_xempex_ I see it the same way. I would advise any of my friends/acquaintances who I advise to broaden their horizons and start investing in shares to invest in a simple world ETF. It provides "security", flexibility and is easy to hold and also a great way for the "uninformed" to make their money work for them. All the gimmicks and sector-specific things are simply out of the question for beginners + you can't recommend them with a clear conscience.
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@minkz exactly that. World or alternatively with an EM component. That's it. So at least everyone understands halfway what the ETFs do.