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Everything is understandable
An e-mail to Vanguard is enough to get at least one T-shirt.
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@GoDividend this takes longer than changing the savings plan
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@DonkeyInvestor but it works 😜
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@GoDividend I also want a sweater and not a T-shirt
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@GoDividend already done? Which mail and what did you write?
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@Therapeut even posted here and got shitstormed 🤣🤣🤣🤣
But it's been a while

It was at the time when @Der_Dividenden_Monteur and I received our Hercules vests
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@GoDividend Really, there was a shitstorm back then?
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@GoDividend I can't understand, I'm right there😂 did you get Tshirts from Vanguard?
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@DonkeyInvestor yes..🤣 from individuals. Whether it wasn't embarrassing to run advertising. Something like that. Quite amusing
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@GoDividend Envious as always 😂 depot must surely be fake with the amount...
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@GoDividend wouldn't walk around with it either 😅