imagem de perfil If the media only report after such price movements - is anyone still surprised that momentum works?
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@Epi was the same game with India :) Only when the sow was chased through the usual channels, came the investment of small investors.
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@Der_Dividenden_Monteur You are right. But try to make that clear to retail investors! 😂
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@Epi I find the ETF too concentrated, some companies not very innovative and the state influence too great. The top 5 make up a good 50%, including Banorte, a bank with too many branches and very poor service and image. $BBVA and $NU will take some customers away from them in the future.$GFNORTEO 120km of railroad line have just been expropriated and placed under military administration. The second airport in Mexico City Felipe Angeles is operated by the military and cargo airlines are urged to switch there. Passenger lines will follow. Therefore, the airport companies are not an investment for me either.
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@Felix_1988 Sounds complicated and risky. I guess you really have to know your stuff. Are there any well-managed investment funds?
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@Epi I don't know of any investment funds that differ significantly in composition from the ETFs. For Latin America in general, I find $MELI and $NU exciting. Otherwise US companies that are very strongly positioned in Mexico like $HD $WMT $COST $PEP I lived / worked in Mexico for 3.5 year. Potential for further growth is there in my opinion. However, I have a hard time with the companies listed in Mexico.
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@Felix_1988 Thank you. Whether the search for such a Mexico fund is worthwhile? Someone will know his way around there!