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How old are you brother?
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@Kubo I'm already 33, I wish I'd started earlier 😅
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@EisenEnte I asked because I'm 21, can you give me some advice for your younger self?
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@Kubo Many people always recommend a savings plan on $VWRL. I would recommend that too, but also one on $VHYL. I'm simply a fan of dividends because it's motivating to see that the cell phone contract, for example, will be paid for by the dividends at some point. And who knows if there won't be a time when value outperforms growth again. That was actually the case for a long time. So it can't hurt to cover both 👌
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@Kubo open your ass😂 I'm 24 and will break 100k this year despite my social profession🤲
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@Therapeut I'm 21 and have a deposit of 40,000, even though I live in a country where the average salary is 1,000 and I'm in my last year of university.
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@Kubo you come from Switzerland, average salary 1000€
I don't think so😂
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@Therapeut Switzerland is there for me so that I don't feel stupid

I come from Slovakia
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@Kubo ah, it has nothing to do with stupid
You can also enjoy advantages there, maybe the land prices, houses or apartments and food are cheaper. I think you're in a good position.
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@Therapeut Don't worry bro, I've felt a lot of pain on the way to this point. How does it feel to reach 100,000? I can imagine getting my head broken.
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@Kubo I'm always on the verge but the market doesn't allow it😂 I'm happy but I know that the journey continues and that this was just the beginning.
I don't want to have any more money worries