
Guys i want your suggestion on this.

I invested a little less than €500 on $DRO (+10,36%) and i'm currently losing €170.

I don't need the money right now, but at the same time I'm not sure to keep this position hoping to at least break even.

Nobody can predict the future, but do you think it is better to keep it for a while or just sell and forget about it?

Thank you guys

12 Comentários

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Keep it in your portfolio forever as a reminder not to buy hype stocks ever again. Or maybe it will even recover, who knows.
@Dividensenmann hahaha not a bad idea
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As you said already, nobody can predict the future 🔮
@theclown yep hahah it would be better to ask, what would you do in this situation? Keep and wait, or sell and put the money elsewhere?
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@Fedi00 well it depends on your investment decision. Why did you choose this stock? Are you a gambler or a long term investor?
@theclown this was just a bet, but the other stocks that i have, and also 2 etfs, are long term investments
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I‘m very doubtful on companies like that, if something gets such a hype on social media that‘s always a red flag to me. Like, if every Jack or John who lives on the west coast of Britain is suddenly sure that this Australian defense company with under a billion market cap you never heard of before is „the next big thing“, that sounds fishy to me. Jack or John may be right, but they could easily be wrong, too. In your case, I would ask myself the questions
1. How bad would it be to lose more?
2. Is there a stock you consider to be more promising?
3. Do you have a deadline or can you wait longer for it to come back?
@DieEnte7 I 100% agree with you. I stupidly jumped on the hype and now I face the consequences.
To answer your questions:
1. It would be bad, but not the end of the world. I'd probably prefer to sell and see the stock go up rather than keep it and see it going down.
2. Yes, I have a couple of stocks that I want to invest more money on.
3. Maybe the only deadline that I have is that if the other stocks that i want to invest in go down, that's when I would prefer to have this money free and ready to invest.

Thank you so much!
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@Fedi00 Sounds more like a „Sell“ to me. And well, I never bought it so I can not say for sure, but I‘d probably accept my losses and move on too.
@DieEnte7 yeah i think that's the best thing to do.
so it was just a gamble for you? because it sounds like you are not really convinced about this company, if you are considering to sell at a loss. If you are not convinced then I would just sell it and invest the money somewhere else
@OnlyEko yes it was a gamble based on the hype around the company. I'm gonna sell and reinvest elsewhere.
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