JPM NASDAQ Eqt Prem Actv ETF D logo
Comprado x65 em € 23,92
€ 1.554,48
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25 Comentários

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I immediately sold my QYLE and bought JEPQ.
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@TaxesAreTheft 0.1% less TER, payout a little lower, but of course the chart speaks for itself. $JEPQ
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@ScorpionfromBW I like JEPQ's strategy more than QYLE's, I think it's better for the long term. The yield can also rise again quite quickly as soon as the VIX rises.
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Or I do half and half. I sell 50% QYLE and buy JEPQ. Then you can really see how they perform next to each other
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I always enjoy watching videos from "Einfach Aktien". Here is the one from $QYLE that made me decide to wait for JPM.
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@Thomas_1963 the problem is, where I bought $QYLE, a few days later the news came that this etf was being introduced in Europe. By then the train had already left the station.

I'm actually up 5% with $QYLE. It would be really worthwhile to reallocate now.
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It will be interesting to see how much return it will make compared to its US counterpart.
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Now available on Tradegate. 😃
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I am now ambivalent. Should I ditch my $QYLE and go for this one? It seems safer to me, although both pursue similar strategies. Although both have Nasdaq in their name
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We let them run side by side and then compare them.
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How many shares do I need for a monthly distribution of €350?
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@Iwanowitsch gross or net?
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@Iwanowitsch Are you from Austria? So 27% tax without partial exemption. That means you need around €445 gross per month. Times 12 months = 5340€. With roughly 10% payout, you need at least 50k
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@ScorpionfromBW thank you, where did you find the distribution dates?
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@Iwanowitsch sorry, I was referring to Global X. Otherwise $JEPQ is the American equivalent. Approx. 9% payout. So then rather 60k
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@Iwanowitsch The ETF is very fresh. You could just look at the JEPI or JEPQ to get an idea. But the EU branch doesn't have a history yet. The USA is not the EU either. We'll have to see what it will yield.
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@Luffy3D2Y rather JEPQ. JEPI is for s&p 500
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@ScorpionfromBW Yup. I only mentioned both because they've both been reissued.
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$JEPI is now also there
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Maybe the spread will be better when the Americans open? So compare again after 15:30.
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And Tradegate is still asleep and so is Consorsbank. It will be interesting to see when the time finally comes.
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Let's see when he finally joins Scalable
Maybe a dumb question but what is de difference between this one and jegp
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