
A small note to friends of diversification and commodity cycles:

Anyone who thought they had missed out on the boom in uranium stocks and would have liked to jump on board could be presented with a favorable opportunity after the recent correction.

The topic is undoubtedly exciting, but also quite complex and in-house research is a must. If you want to bet on the entire sector, you can do so via $U3O8 (+2,16%) do this. In the case of individual stocks, there are only a few companies that are actually making money. The M&A phase has not yet begun, so there could be nice returns to be had here. Could...

Do any of you know your way around and have a good tip (with reasons)?

6 Comentários

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I have been observing uranium for some time, but I am still undecided and do not know enough about it. The following may be interesting https://youtu.be/uHS_iQBK8SY?si=uFWqxSikBfozTcmk
But I cannot assess it

The long version is available at https://youtu.be/YbebkkKcdS4?si=AfcWsXdiROL8zTeY
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@TomTurboInvest Rick Rule and Justin Huhn are also good sources. Rick Rule is a successful investor with an eye for the big picture, Justin Huhn is a very well-informed insider. I can definitely recommend them if you are interested in the subject.
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@Epi definitely interests me more than chewing through the same information on hype stocks every day 😉
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Well, considering how many new reactors are to be built in the next few years, I don't think that's a bad investment.
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@PowerWordChill Someone knows a thing or two about mining, I see. 😅
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