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Just look comparatively what return you would have with a World over the same time. If the value is the same or significantly higher, I would switch quickly 😅
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@SharkAce Good idea. It took a while but I've got it now. 😅
So for the World, the Dekafonds TF has actually generated less overall over the 6-year period. However, the Dekafonds is linked to the DAX. Despite the front-end load and ongoing costs, the MegaTrends only generated €100 less than the World over the 12-year period. So I know that I can stop the DekaFonds 😁 Thank you. I could have come up with the idea myself...
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@Thronar no problem and you have to remember that you would have more at your disposal with the World as the fees are significantly lower. So in the end it's probably more than just the €100.

But calculating that would be an unnecessarily high effort 😂 End of the story ETFs almost always beat funds