I'm betting on a correction to 4900 points in the S&P 500 - equivalent to around 14% of the top. ...and then the party really gets going. End of the war in Ukraine. Corporate taxes of 15 percent. Wow will be wild and bloody at the end as always. But I'm not basing my strategy on that. I'm staying in the market but not adding any fresh capital at the moment - savings plans are also suspended. Best wishes and good luck 🍀👍🏻
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@Moneymoney Suspend savings plans?
The worst thing you can do!
They should continue to run stoically.
Everything else is market timing.
@Erich_aus_der_Steiermark I don't think you can generalize everything. The all-in strategy is of course the best from a scientific point of view. But the stock market is also a lot of psychology and you have to be able to hold your positions in a bear market or a crash. I am now 43 years old and my portfolio has reached a size where I would rather forego a little return than have sleepless nights, as my portfolio value has halved. I think everyone has to find their own way and their own risk tolerance. ...if your nerves are stronger, then an aggressive approach is understandable for you
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@Moneymoney You're absolutely right. I'm only 40 and still fully invested. I'll probably stay that way until the end. But really only more play money in individual shares and the majority in the ETF via a savings plan. At -20%, everything is scraped together and invested in the ETF. (At -30% with a loan).