The AllWorld already weights according to market capitalization. Which criterion do you use? GDP? Home bias?
•@Epi I actually only looked at the % weighting by country of the indices, is this not a good criterion?
@Epi I would like to achieve the greatest possible diversification and cushion the 50% USA share in the All World somewhat with European companies.
@Epi but the market allocation of the USA is 59.1% (according to data sheet: https://fund-docs.vanguard.com/FTSE_All-World_UCITS_ETF_USD_Distributing_9505_EU_GERMAN_GE.pdf). This means that if I buy the ETF, almost 60% will be invested only in American companies and thus one country is much more strongly represented than all the others. My strategy would be in principle already a distribution according to market capitalization. Only I think very much of the European economy, which is too weakly represented to me purely because of the market capitalization. Thus, I try to weight the European economy more strongly through another ETF from Europe.