Where to park €250,000 in the short term?
I need some input for the above mentioned "problem 😅"
I actually won 250k in the Eurolotto on Friday. Now the big question for me is what to do with the money.
I've been self-employed for 4 years and now have a good 6k annual income. My savings rate in ETFs etc is now 3k a month.
I'm 34 and my girlfriend is 33 and we're about to have a child and possibly buy our own home.
TradeRepublic still offers 3.75% on call money, so I would park 100k there until the statutory deposit guarantee is reached, but what do I do with the rest? To another call money or $XEON (+0,01%) or $VDEV (-1,46%) although the investment period is probably too short for the latter.
Thanks for your input