+++ Signs of life +++
(from the series: Investment Diary & Thoughts)
Knee surgery survived last week. 🩼
Whether good, is the other question... 😣 In the meantime got postoperative fever, knee still swollen, probably needs to be punctured again... and otherwise so?
I lie around the whole day, meow at my wife from time to time (which I feel sorry for again seconds later, because she certainly can't help it...) and then I think to myself:
Look again in your depot. But no, I don't feel like it. Health and all that. That comes first.
Now I fell so when planking on the sofa suddenly my own trains of thought to the topic invest. And the decision is made after 2 days:
I will make my investing even simpler and less complex.
What follows:
Nearly all BigBlueChips are sorted out and shifted into the MSCI World & MSCI EM. After all, they are represented there anyway, so why bother with them?
What remains for the pension is the MSCI World ($IWDA (-1,28%) ) , MSCI EM ($EIMI (-1,09%))and EUWAX GOLD II ($EWG2 (-0%) ).
In addition, I focus on 5 (max. 7) individual stocks. According to the current status these include $ST5 (+1,99%) (Steico SE), $NIBE B (+2,12%) (NIBE "is love"); $YSN (+3,79%) (Secunet); $UKW (-0,74%) (Greencoat for ever - or what better comes); $COLO B (-4,1%) (Coloplast) and $MRK (+2,67%) (Merck KGaA).
Over the years, I have become less and less interested in more.
Investing remains important. But please make it as boring as possible.
The last weeks alone (preparation for surgery and now the aftercare) have shown me that I am not ready for this and especially not able to keep track of 15-20 values. Thus, the focus on investing as simple as possible and still preserve individual value opportunities for me has become more attractive again.
Maybe this will actually create opportunities for the activated trading of 1-2 values from the basic framework... if not, also not so wild. And yet I will be able to focus even better on these values.
Concentrating on a few individual values and a really large core (I'm also talking about more than 150k€ in the core here) is the true core-satellite strategy for me. That I had neglected this over the years somewhat, or expanded - normal. So now "back to the roots", or "back to simplicity".
Time is not money, but valuable in terms of family, free time and your own health.
And otherwise so?
Soon the physiotherapy will start. I have no idea how to cope at the moment, but that will come.
I still have the post on hold for the "Green Investment" and the resolution (win pronounced in the poll) of the winner of the getquin-Cap. Both of which I have not forgotten. As soon as I can sit reasonably, without problems, I will get back to writing.
To getquin I will certainly become more active again, I have time now. At least 8 weeks (with good progress) is a long time.
So, keep your head up, dad is doing it too....
Your KneePapa. 🦵