
+++ Signs of life +++

(from the series: Investment Diary & Thoughts)

Knee surgery survived last week. 🩼

Whether good, is the other question... 😣 In the meantime got postoperative fever, knee still swollen, probably needs to be punctured again... and otherwise so?

I lie around the whole day, meow at my wife from time to time (which I feel sorry for again seconds later, because she certainly can't help it...) and then I think to myself:

Look again in your depot. But no, I don't feel like it. Health and all that. That comes first.

Now I fell so when planking on the sofa suddenly my own trains of thought to the topic invest. And the decision is made after 2 days:

I will make my investing even simpler and less complex.

What follows:

Nearly all BigBlueChips are sorted out and shifted into the MSCI World & MSCI EM. After all, they are represented there anyway, so why bother with them?

What remains for the pension is the MSCI World ($IWDA (-1,28%) ) , MSCI EM ($EIMI (-1,09%))and EUWAX GOLD II ($EWG2 (-0%) ).

In addition, I focus on 5 (max. 7) individual stocks. According to the current status these include $ST5 (+1,99%) (Steico SE), $NIBE B (+2,12%) (NIBE "is love"); $YSN (+3,79%) (Secunet); $UKW (-0,74%) (Greencoat for ever - or what better comes); $COLO B (-4,1%) (Coloplast) and $MRK (+2,67%) (Merck KGaA).

Over the years, I have become less and less interested in more.

Investing remains important. But please make it as boring as possible.

The last weeks alone (preparation for surgery and now the aftercare) have shown me that I am not ready for this and especially not able to keep track of 15-20 values. Thus, the focus on investing as simple as possible and still preserve individual value opportunities for me has become more attractive again.

Maybe this will actually create opportunities for the activated trading of 1-2 values from the basic framework... if not, also not so wild. And yet I will be able to focus even better on these values.

Concentrating on a few individual values and a really large core (I'm also talking about more than 150k€ in the core here) is the true core-satellite strategy for me. That I had neglected this over the years somewhat, or expanded - normal. So now "back to the roots", or "back to simplicity".

Time is not money, but valuable in terms of family, free time and your own health.

And otherwise so?

Soon the physiotherapy will start. I have no idea how to cope at the moment, but that will come.

I still have the post on hold for the "Green Investment" and the resolution (win pronounced in the poll) of the winner of the getquin-Cap. Both of which I have not forgotten. As soon as I can sit reasonably, without problems, I will get back to writing.

To getquin I will certainly become more active again, I have time now. At least 8 weeks (with good progress) is a long time.

So, keep your head up, dad is doing it too....

Your KneePapa. 🦵

37 Comentários

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good idea that you want to implement there. It is not for nothing that the most boring depots are the most successful :-)
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@Dividenden-Sammler Yep, I've always been like that and it's time to live it more strictly again ;-)
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Get well soon 😌
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I would keep the portfolio even simpler and also do without the EM ETF. The correlation is very high anyway and you save yourself the rebalancing. AllWorld plus gold as the core and that's it.
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@Epi How would you distribute the weighting? :p
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@Epi Thank you. Also for the thought process. But I have been doing the MSCI WORLD/EM story for 6 years now and I see no reason to change it. I actually don't have enough EM in the ACWI, which is why I personally weight that higher in the ETFs. I only run an ACWI for my PV system and for my child's custody account. Both things that really don't do any work for me at all. 👍
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I'm curious how long you will stick to it. The nice thing is that you can change your investment style every day All the best and good luck 🤑👍🏽
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@7Trader Thank you! 🤝 Don't worry. I can manage that. The big blue chips in the depot are all values that did your service for a few years now. The MSCI World and the ETFs came later and reached their core size. So it's really time to cut off the old braids. Dividends are no argumentation for me. And as I said... these values are anyway in the MSCI World more than enough represented. In so far for me no big loss. According to (as you rightly say) current status. Experience shows that I'm pretty good with such decisions and keep them. 🍀
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Sounds good with the strategy. I wish you a good and fast recovery.
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@six Thank you! 48 hours of thinking about almost nothing else can be enlightening. 👀 💡
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Dear knee ♥️! Get well soon, and you dear dad of course 😘 Pinch your butt cheeks together and into the physio, there's no other way. I feel for you, just my Terrorkrümel is also in the hospital 🏥 with an unsympathetic tibia head fracture and I may hold hands .... Shared sorrow is half sorrow 🤗
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@FrauManu Yoo-hoo... Knee says thank you! And so do I. Of course... Physio is next week Friday start. 🏃 🩼 Ouch! That with the hernia is really not nice at all! Since I hold indeed also the hand with! 🫣 I take then times 1/2 pain pill for your crumb with... Cheers and good luck! 💊 🍀
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Get well soon and don't let the first few days of physio discourage you 😉 .
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@SquirrelPilot No kidding! All good. I've been through this before. It's been 19 years, but I can handle it. Thanks in any case. 🍀
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Get well soon!
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@TreasureHunter Thank you Commissioner! 🩼
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Get well soon and sunny greetings from Mauritius 🏝️🥥 Back to the roots certainly sounds sensible. With your core you are well positioned (have 2 of them myself). The strategy is certainly a role model, for the majority of small investors.
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@TheAccountant89 ahhh Mauritius. That was beautiful there. 🏝️ 🇲🇺 Have fun! And thanks!
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Also from me get well soon 💪
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Get well soon
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Get well soon Stefan ✊☺️ Too bad about the strategy change hope it is not contagious sonnst we can close the platform when all invest in ETF 😂 Joking aside I always say everyone must find his way ☺️👍
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Get well soon!
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Get well soon
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Get well soon @InvestmentPapa Today watched a video https://youtu.be/GewisSSlcFk , so now I will invest more in gold $EWG2.
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