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@risk_minister69 I ask myself the same question, maybe it broke during 2008
The fall in Frontline's share price could have been influenced by several factors. First, the uncertainty due to geopolitical tensions, such as the attacks in the Red Sea, which can lengthen trade routes and increase costs[2]. Secondly, high debt levels and fluctuations in charter rates, which can affect profits and lead to uncertainty[6]. Finally, a possible recession in the US and China could affect the demand for oil and thus Frontline's revenues[2].
[1] Transportation: Frontline shares benefit from oil boom https://www.faz.net/aktuell/finanzen/aktien/transport-aktie-von-frontline-profitiert-vom-oelboom-1158215.html
[2] A double-digit dividend yield for the next few years https://www.wallstreet-online.de/nachricht/18362124-passives-einkommen-zweistellige-dividendenrendite-naechsten-jahre
[3] Grab up to 14% dividend yield with these five oil stocks https://www.boerse-online.de/nachrichten/aktien/schnappen-sie-sich-bis-zu-14-dividendenrendite-mit-diesen-fuenf-oel-aktien-20342395.html
[4] Frontline: Real-Time Price & Analysis (A3D38W) - Stock Terminal https://aktie.traderfox.com/visualizations/CY0200352116/05/frontline-plc
[5] Frontline Share Analysis | Share Price | News | FRO.OL - Eulerpool https://eulerpool.com/aktie/Frontline-Aktie-BMG3682E1921
[6] Frontline and DHT: Why tanker shares are exciting now https://www.wiwo.de/finanzen/geldanlage/frontline-und-dht-warum-tanker-aktien-jetzt-spannend-sind/29611736.html
[7] Frontline plc share (A3D38W) - Nyse price - MarketScreener https://de.marketscreener.com/kurs/aktie/FRONTLINE-PLC-26123460/
[8] FRO / Frontline plc (NYSE) - Forecast, price target, estimates ... https://fintel.io/de/sfo/us/fro
[1] Transportation: Frontline shares benefit from oil boom https://www.faz.net/aktuell/finanzen/aktien/transport-aktie-von-frontline-profitiert-vom-oelboom-1158215.html
[2] A double-digit dividend yield for the next few years https://www.wallstreet-online.de/nachricht/18362124-passives-einkommen-zweistellige-dividendenrendite-naechsten-jahre
[3] Grab up to 14% dividend yield with these five oil stocks https://www.boerse-online.de/nachrichten/aktien/schnappen-sie-sich-bis-zu-14-dividendenrendite-mit-diesen-fuenf-oel-aktien-20342395.html
[4] Frontline: Real-Time Price & Analysis (A3D38W) - Stock Terminal https://aktie.traderfox.com/visualizations/CY0200352116/05/frontline-plc
[5] Frontline Share Analysis | Share Price | News | FRO.OL - Eulerpool https://eulerpool.com/aktie/Frontline-Aktie-BMG3682E1921
[6] Frontline and DHT: Why tanker shares are exciting now https://www.wiwo.de/finanzen/geldanlage/frontline-und-dht-warum-tanker-aktien-jetzt-spannend-sind/29611736.html
[7] Frontline plc share (A3D38W) - Nyse price - MarketScreener https://de.marketscreener.com/kurs/aktie/FRONTLINE-PLC-26123460/
[8] FRO / Frontline plc (NYSE) - Forecast, price target, estimates ... https://fintel.io/de/sfo/us/fro