Do you eat vegan yourself? I have done this for 1 year and what I have eaten the least, is products of any vegan stalls. The wrong thought is often that nen vegan replaces all animal products with a vegan product. Most do not make, is also honestly too expensive. One reaches halt rather to rice, potatoes, soy, Humus etc.. Accordingly, such stalls are not an investment for me. Then perhaps rather $DE or $ADM
@CooleSarah I myself do not live vegan, but my partner vegetarian. Therefore, we use many substitute products of the usual brands. Are often out of stock / limited selection at the usual suspects. Problem is mMn that the stalls despite not so cheap products continue to operate not profitable, although the now have reached a decent size. Oatly is another such candidate. 1l milk costs about 1,10€, as organic variant 1,30-1,40 and Demeter ca.2€. The Oatly Barista costs 2,60-2,90€. They save the way "through the cow" and should normally be able to offer their products cheaper. As long as no money (profit) remains or is foreseeable, I invest in no company (no matter what industry).