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Girlfriend: I don't need it, but I want it.
ETF saver: I don't want it, but I need it.

Savers should still ask themselves one thing: why are they saving and putting their money to work? Saving is just postponed consumption. And either pretty shoes for your girlfriend now or support stockings for your wife later? That's the decision!
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@Epi or girlfriend buys the shoes herself?
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@MWS The money is still gone. And if the man ends up having to finance something else because of the missing money, he will still have paid for the shoes. 🤷
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@Epi that sounds pretty old school...
... Man pays for woman or something like that ;)
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@MWS That is true. Partly. Because even in a household where everyone contributes their share, the expenditure of one part is noticeable. Why else would the author of the article have a problem with his girlfriend's shoe purchase?
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@Epi I don't have a problem with that ^^

Besides, the exchange in the post is just an anecdote without judgment.

Do I have to write disclaimers for everything? 🤣

Let everyone and every partnership forge their own happiness. 🍀