
Investment 2025

Hi everyone,

what investment ideas do you have for 2025?

My current focus will be on $GOOGL (+0,01%) Alphabet and depending on how the challenges with the salaries of the management of $ENR (+3,54%) Siemens Energy, I will also trade standard warrants and expand my equity portfolio.

What about you?

19 Comentários

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Chinese shares, e.g. $700 & $1211
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@Sansebastian Do you think it will just be momentum or will China take off now?
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@MrMister So much can happen in a year, so it's impossible to give a reliable answer 😉 but I definitely expect China to do well
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@Sansebastian was also on the verge of buying BYD
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@Memo0606 I also find BYD interesting. I just have a hard time with China and government regulations.
Sooner or later, China and European equities will appreciate again against US equities.
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My plan for next year is to make the portfolio more stable against fluctuations. I therefore plan to start by building up a small bond position via $IBTS. I also want to add two commodity ETCs, $SSLN and $IGLN. Otherwise everything will stay the same, my ETF savings plans in the MSCI and the S&P500 will continue to be executed monthly. I use the dividends to buy up individual stocks from my portfolio (once I have accumulated more than €500). I'm staying away from China because of the aggression against Taiwan, which is too volatile for me.
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@BlueVelvet $IGLN I wouldn't buy it because the delivery of gold is not guaranteed. I use this one: $WGLD Wisdomtree Core Physical Gold. Delivery from 1g gold value. I'm not a fan of bonds, but this one hedges your portfolio very well and ensures fewer fluctuations.
However, I don't have an ETF either, but hold around 30 shares, gold and a minimum of BTC/SOL.
@MrMister What do you mean by delivery?
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@Pkeey For tax exemption after one year, the ETC must be able to deliver the commodity or investment to you in real terms. In other words, if you only replicate the price of gold, this is not tax-free. With Wisdomtree, you can have the real gold sent to you by returning the vouchers. And this from a value of at least 1 gram.
@MrMister ah ok thanks had tried to look it up but couldn't find it. Thank you
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@user1d7gf8465j461735 Exciting. I'm currently also thinking about the $LTAM as a supplement.
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@user1d7gf8465j461735 I was once invested in PetroBras. But sold almost ATH. I'm currently having a hard time with Brazil. But let's see if they find a bottom again for a small investment.
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Buy these, not much can go wrong. A few may make plus minus zero, maybe even fall lower and others only between 10 and 20 % but more than one will very likely make well over 30 % and maybe even several will show triple-digit performance. app.getquin.com/en/activity/OebdUHCsfb ok?
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@Shishi unfortunately I can't copy the link, can you send it to me again. Thank you. Then I'll take a closer look at it again.
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@Shishi none of these are stocks for me. Shell is nice to have, the rest is not so good for me personally in terms of scaling.
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