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The only hydrogen stock that is seriously on my watch list is First Hydrogen. They are developing small hydrogen-powered vans. In addition, they build and design the corresponding refueling station system, including maintenance, etc.. A full-service offering. They are already very far along with the cars, prototypes are already in use. With MAN and Ballard Power, they have very big players in the team working on the version. Europe, and the UK in particular, are already very interested and even beckon with government subsidies. The market for small vans is huge. Electric batteries are not practical for the delivery and transport segment because of the charging times. The company is extremely well positioned in this market and is already quite far along with its vision. But it will be at least another 2-5 years before it is really ready for series production. I don't see hydrogen as a mass-market solution for private transport either, but I can really imagine it for this specific area. How do you see it? Am I too optimistic?
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@VinTech The concept behind it seems to make perfect sense. However, I have not dealt with the company in detail and cannot make a qualified statement. Nevertheless, I agree with you that hydrogen in private transport is nonsensical. To rely on pure e-cars is also wrong in this respect. In my next article, I will also discuss the diversification of future energy sources as a counter-argument, but hydrogen will probably be the most sustainable and probably most mass-market solution for freight transport. But what I mean with the contributions is the fact that the relations between the stock market and reality completely miss each other.