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Has anyone already received dividends from Trade? I thought Trade was better than Scalable, but in the meantime there really isn't much of a difference anymore
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@ScorpionfromBW i guess this will come in the next few days, the dividend day at getquin often doesn't match up with the qyle... :)
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@Lola556611 does it even pay out in November? Because until a few weeks ago, Getquin didn't show a dividend for November. Then the amount for November appeared, but disappeared again for December.

QYLD, the US equivalent, certainly pays out monthly
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@ScorpionfromBW Scalable has become much better. Yes, the dividend comes a day later than with others, but I recently completed a 12k transaction after 48h with taxes. For 0€ that's pretty good.
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@ScorpionfromBW yes, since getquin always uses last year's data for its forecast and it didn't pay out a dividend twice last year, getquin has this "bug" that the next month always has no dividend...