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With a portfolio size below 10k I would put everything into the Allworld-Etf. After you have 10k in the Allworld, you can then deal with individual stocks if necessary. Without your individual stocks your portfolio (as of now) would also have a better performance.
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@jannic12 I don't understand your logic, he is only 19 years old and has many years to build up his portfolio, he doesn't have more than 10k at a time, he can't buy a single share or what?
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@Cashflow_Investor The point is that at that age you should first get a feel for the stock market and also first build up your core, i.e. a broadly diversified etf. Dividing 4,000 into 9 positions makes little sense to me. Sure, you can add a single stock to the portfolio in addition to the Etf. But in my opinion, the Etf should not only make up one third of the portfolio value.
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@jannic12 he has all world ETF highly weighted, which is already good. That you can not invest in individual shares, because you do not have over 10k is absolutely "often point" All do not have so much money at once, the main thing is to gradually build up his portfolio, and that he does.
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@jannic12 you are of course right that it would be smarter to concentrate only on the vwrl for the time being. Only I had the train of thought as cashflow has already explained it and now wants to further expand all positions over time. Possibly a small cap etf comes in addition because these are significantly underperfomen since corona and I am confident that a recovery will take place over time.
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@Cashflow_Investor I see we have a very different investment strategy and that's perfectly fine. I simply think that it is almost impossible for the private investor to beat the market in the long term through individual shares. That's why I have a high etf weighting in my portfolio from the beginning and only 20% invested in individual stocks. The 10,000 is not a magic limit that must be reached before investing in individual stocks. But due to the high diversification, one protects oneself extremely well. Of course, it also takes time to reach such an amount, but you should have that when investing for the long term 👍🏻
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@user541bd08ad7c94f17 You are welcome to do it all. As long as you feel comfortable with it. For me it would be just too many small positions. I think you will come closer to your goal in the long term if you focus on your core and continue to expand it. I think it's a good idea to add a smallcap etf to your portfolio, I also have one. By the way, I think it's great that you are already at this age investiertest👍🏻