I really don't want to piss on your leg unnecessarily. But I am simply bothered by this lack of references. It's all well and good that you give a sneak peak to your topics of the week. But then post at least the appropriate link to the individual articles. Whether we go to your site and search for the individual articles or you link directly to the articles from your block makes no difference, but it makes it easier for those with interest. In the same way you could also publish every single article here and offer an added value here. Is also like this article only copy paste from your blog and therefore not really associated with effort.
•@Koenigmidas You can pee wherever you want. Last time there were too many links and now too few. The link at the bottom leads to my weekly update, in which the anteasered topics are discussed and if necessary there are also relevant links. It's not that difficult and no one else has complained that they can't find their way around.
@freakyfinance I understand you completely you earn money with it and it's nice when there are people who want to offer people added value. But when the posts seem so half-hearted to me or are more confusing (you report on wackerchemie current and make a link from April 8, 2021 in the post) then I express criticism. I think we have the same goal. And I care about the community. Therefore, it would be nice if your post would already offer added value here, then people automatically get lost on your blog. Please do not get me wrong it is pure friendly freaky fire. P. S. In your campaign archive, there is currently a double with once 5.3. and 3.3.and one lands each time on the 3.3.