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I am amazed that I am seeing more and more BYD. Sometimes even as company cars for local companies.

Some of them from people who 3-4 years ago were still saying that if they wanted to drive an electric car, they would go to the funfair.
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@Staatsmann I'm seeing more and more buses in particular. And now I'll probably soon be seeing small cars too :)
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@MarketNewsUpdate Yes, for me it's small cars or these SUV/VAN mixtures.
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@Staatsmann where is it with us?
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@TomBagger Rural area of Brandenburg.
Quasi between Berlin and the Polish border.

Small towns with 2.5k inhabitants, villages with sometimes less than 100 inhabitants, etc.
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@TomBagger Also Hamburg area
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@Staatsmann and how does BYD distribute? Who repairs?
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@TomBagger Repairs in normal workshops that also service other e-cars. 🤷🏼‍♂️
Sales is a mix of online and car dealerships, as far as I know.