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Have you ever been to a Walgreens? For me it's a junk store. Although the valuation should be fair by now.
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@GordonGekko83 I can agree with that as far as the stores are concerned.
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@GordonGekko83 I was in California last year and visited many Walgreens and CVS stores and found both ugly, but I found the Walgreens stores a bit better than CVS.
Then I did a survey of people I know who live there and asked them if Walgreens or CVS?
and they all said Walgreens without exception...
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@DivInvestor really! I don't even want to know what a CVS load looks like😱
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@GordonGekko83 the CVS store on Hollywood Boulevard reminded me of a Späti at Frankfurt's main station... a bit run down... and half the shelves were empty.