The only thing I don't understand about the whole thing is: why do people buy such ETFs? None of the ones you linked to have any kind of performance that would tempt me to invest. The basic investment (the actual ETF) brings much more money, with significantly higher security?
Or have I fundamentally misunderstood something?
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@Gomerdoc Secure and high dividend
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@Gomerdoc Stable income without draining the substance!
@Alexander_Bitcoin But I also get that if I invest in a much better-performing EDF that reinvests during the time when I don't need the money and then switches to a distributing one afterwards. That's the problem with the ETFs under discussion here: they don't have reasonable price gains, at least not yet.
That was my question. Have I misinterpreted something about these ETFs?
Yes you misinterpreted that we are in a permanent bullrun for 15 years, so indeed performance is lower. In a lot decade however you get dividends + premiums so gains instead of a net 0%. Buying etfs like this is building in security for lost decade or bearmarket, where you loose less, less max gains, more security in case of no bullrun