Do you find the company interesting? I have been following it on the WL for some time, but I find the entry prices unattractive.
@Soprano same wants in but I'm a bit hot right now. It's almost like the American Siemens Health, only we're so often better. The EPS is already better, the share price is better, the shareholder structure is better and so on. As is so often the case, which is sad, the American pandor (or as it is spelled) is simply better managed and more innovative.
@topicswithhead Yes, I really agree that it's like Siemens Healthineers, only better. However, neither of them are my top picks in the medical technology sector. I'm already well positioned in Med Tech, so I'd prefer to get in here if I see a value opportunity - preferably at €65 - otherwise I'll just keep buying Thermo Fisher and Stryker
@Soprano You can also buy Siemens Health. I think they'll do well, but I think Ge is paying more attention to shareholder value. it's typical for German companies to sink an incredible amount of capital into the company.