Good post. Thanks. As an example LVMH. It is worthwhile but only from an amount x that is in the share or? So now not if you have "only" 1-2 shares or? Is just a real pity because of the withholding tax on such a good company and yield to renounce. Clearly seen over the years you do without yield if the withholding tax is deducted and you do not repeat this. Also the 20€ for an advance exemption are worthwhile only from x shares. Would have to calculate times from when it is worthwhile. 🤔
@Joris Quite simple in itself. You receive a dividend of x€ for one share. A flat rate of 29% is deducted. After registration, only 12.8%. If you want a suitable calculation example, I can summarize that tomorrow in a post with a formula, from when it is worth it.
@Hannes_SK the calculation example would be super. Thanks