If nevertheless a besparen of over 1k is possible it is nevertheless top I invest at present approx. 600€/ month and put 150€/ month aside for vacations (for 3 persons and my wife puts also for vacations again something aside) I know that we are so far privileged around at all to invest to be able and in the irrelevant can
•@hias1993 super thing! Finds mega that you also focus with Family the topic of investing! 💪🏼
@TaubeSmash my child is still small so I want to spend a lot of time with him so I don't work more to be able to invest more but I invest to be able to have more time for grandchildren later and also to be able to support children/grandchildren better than my parents and parents-in-law can do. Whereas both my parents and my parents-in-law (with other points) and support when it is necessary.