Out of curiosity: any particular reason why you don’t hold more stocks in your national currency? It would limit the currency risk. Swiss has several great companies.
•@ColdWaterDiver Good point, Erwin. I do get my payouts directly in the foreign currency on Yuh, which gives me some flexibility regarding currency risk. But you’re absolutely right about the value of Swiss companies. Do you have any particular Swiss stocks you would recommend at the moment?
•At the moment chemical markets are facing headwinds in Europe. Outlook is that they will recover end of 2025/Q1 2026. That would give an opportunity for Lonza and/or Novartis. You could also think of UBS/ABB / Sika or VAT group. For my own portfolio: i have Nestle (and building) and i am looking to add UBS mid 2025 and Novartis end 2025.