
Microstrategy - Will now rise massively!

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30 Comentários

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Am in with 5x leverage, currently down 82%. 😂😭
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@HodlHansi Leverage is never such a good idea with such a volatile stock :D
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@HodlHansi Leverage only with SL!
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@HodlHansi MSTR is the leverage on Bitcoin. Sure, then I'll leverage it, sounds sensible 😭
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Krypto 🤢🤮
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@TechNav so i made 8% plus with it today hehe
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@TechNav Constructive comment. 😂
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@TechNav Bitcoin & Co are the future.
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@Alexander_Bitcoin Bitcoin will go down as the biggest Ponzi scam in the world...
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@TechNav No! Bitcoin will continue to establish itself and penetrate further and further into the world of finance, business and politics. Nobody can stop this development.
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Bought yesterday evening and already up 11% today 🥳🚀🚀
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@Majid I also bought more yesterday 🥳
still down -7% lol but it was -12% before, bought a couple of shares in this dip
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Awesome post. I'm also in complete fever. Let's say MicroS. Hits 700-800 this year then it will be many times higher by 2035
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But don't you think 20000 is a bit too high?
Snowball system
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@profit_maker_vxcpp no, brilliant business strategy.
@profit_maker_vxcpp Question the other way round: What is NOT a Ponzi scheme - including our fiat system?
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Do you think it's still worth going in? Or is it too late
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@opportunity_scout_1182 It's still worth it right now. No investment advice.
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I would never put this share in my portfolio.
Absolutely bad choice.

Leverage it and make money? YES, definitely.
Buy Bitcoin directly? Also YES.

But put MSTR in your portfolio as an investment. No thanks. The thing is so volatile and stands on such shaky legs.
I can't recommend it to anyone except for quick money with derivatives.
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@WolfofNersingen I respect that. For me, $MSTR is a quality share. But you really need balls for the volatility, that's true.
I think we have seen the top in the cycle
Now only down
Let's see how it goes
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@Flopperlu86 the thing goes up another 200-300 percent. 2025 will be tough.
You're all driving me up the wall 😂 But I'm glad that you're triggering so many dips elsewhere that I can then buy, because somewhere you have to get all that dough that you're stuffing into $BTC and $MSTR - share sales, salaries, debts (hopefully not), there can't be any other sources of money for all this hype.
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@user35903002213 This is not hype. There are fundamental reasons for it.
@Alexander_Bitcoin What value is Bitcoin supposed to have if there are no checkpoints like there are for shares that can be used to determine the price (P/E ratio, P/B ratio, KCV, KUV, ...)? None of this is fundamental, it's fantasy.
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I do not believe that the MSTR share will rise significantly. Every time it goes up in value, it gets diluted again because of Saylor's Bitcoin strategy. So why should it go up?
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