
Can anyone explain this? Lilium

Why is it suddenly almost 400% in one day today? How will it continue tomorrow? Where is the ceiling? $LILM (-5,37%)

15 Comentários

Wait for the certification process in 2025, if everything is approved, production is planned from 2026. Provided the new investor does not deviate from this and the product is approved, it will be a 100bagger (there are already over 700 pre-orders)
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Lilium will never, I repeat, never go into series production. It will never be approved. And it will never be a 100bagger. Lilium will only become one thing: insolvent.

There is no product (at least I have never seen the thing take off in its original size and weight. The business model is total nonsense. The 700 "pre-orders" are all, if anything, just an LOI.

Lilium will go out of business. Again. That's as sure as the Amen in the church.
@Charmin then you haven't informed yourself enough. There were even test flights that were broadcast in documentaries. In addition, Thiele and Co. would certainly not invest in a company that had no future. For me, the variable is the approval by the authorities rather than the seriousness of the employees who produced the prototype.
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@Scrooge1 The test flights you are talking about were all unmanned. And there is no data on energy consumption etc.

And as for Thelen (who you probably mean): in my opinion, he is a contra-indicator.

Lilium will go up in smoke (if it even gets to the investor round. The ink is not yet dry).
Thank you for your input.

@Charmin I sold today (at a profit) because the management's communication is too poor and they are not working in a cost-saving way (why are they spending €200m for 1 year approval process?). I can't even find a financial report of the company. Incidentally, I still think air cabs are innovative (the first EVs also had range and similar problems)
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@Scrooge1 Air cabs solve ZERO problems. What are they good for? You would have to have thousands of them in the air to relieve traffic. Air cabs are certainly feasible at some point. But that doesn't make them a good idea. Air cabs are a completely moronic idea. Not to mention challenges such as landing sites, noise, etc. All the hype was nothing more than just that - hype.
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And why is it displayed so differently at Trade Republic than here?
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What will happen tomorrow? Nobody knows!
Where the ceiling is? Nobody knows either!
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@Sansebastian Are you cold? I still have blankets
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@Smudeo no, I have the heating on
Investors pledge more than 200 million euros to the insolvent developer for electronic aviation. However, the shareholders are going away empty-handed.
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@fund_manager_158 Yes, I've already noticed that. But then why such an increase?
That remains a big secret.
@fund_manager_158 Shareholders never go away empty-handed...
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@Michi8 Because people are stupid and have no idea.
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